need advice for engine rebuild for more power

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need advice for engine rebuild for more power

Beitragvon F1CHRIS » Mi 22. Aug 2012, 18:56

Hello -
This is my first post. excuse me if this question has been covered before. My 2003 mexican bug has a tired engine and I am making plans to rebuild it. Nothing crazy, I just want to improve it for a little more power and efficiency. I read somewhere that the stock fuel injection will feed up to about 1900cc. My plan was to add 92mm pistons to get 1835cc. I will use 2 brand new small valve lightly ported heads. What camshaft to use is a question ? Some say the WBX cam will work ? with new hydraulic lifters. Maybe use one of the computer chips ? The stock exhaust seems very restrictive, so I was going to cut up a 1 1/2" header and make my own using the stock heater boxes. I am trying to come up with a good plan for this engine, as I really like (and use) this car, but I have never had a hydraulic cam 1600 before.
Thank you for your advice.
San Diego, California
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Mi 22. Aug 2012, 18:39


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