1600i Diagnostic Interpretation

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1600i Diagnostic Interpretation

Beitragvon vzvf213 » Mi 12. Nov 2014, 21:27


My 2004 Mexican beetle (1600i engine) stalls when I shift gears (put in clutch). I have to keep the engine revved up while driving or I stall. I started having these problems after I stopped driving the car for a month.

The VW dealership ran a diagnostic:

After deleting all of the faults they attempted to set basic settings 30 seconds in 000 no help. Drove the vehicle and still had drivability issues present.

Read measured value blocks 004 - Field 2 53%, (normal operating range is 22-35%)

Read measured value block, 006 – field 2 235, (normal operating range is 80 – 140)

The mechanic who ran the diagnostic has no experience with this engine. He suggests replacing the oxygen sensor or the ECU.

There is no other information that I can give.

If anyone has an idea of what sensor needs to be changed or how to proceed, please let me know!
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Mi 12. Nov 2014, 21:18


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