Alternator removal video - engine in car

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Alternator removal video - engine in car

Beitragvon XenonJohn » So 13. Sep 2015, 12:20


I have had a type 2 bay window bus for a long time and have recently bought a Mexican Beetle made in 2000.

The Beetle has a faulty alternator and so, after reading many forums for "regular" Beetles which explain different ways to do this with engine in car, I went ahead and tried to change my alternator using a mix of tips picked up from these web forums. This job is known to require a lot of patience and that in my experience was very true. I destroyed the fanbelt pulley during the process.

I don't think there is any video out there on how to do this so I have made a YouTube video of the removal process. The refitting video will come soon!

Video is here:

Interestingly the old faulty alternator was actually a recent replacement reproduction one which has the voltage regulator moved so it is accessible from the top. It was faulty however because the brushes were mounted incorrectly at an angle so they were not connecting with the rotating copper rings reliably - maybe a manufacturing fault.

I hope this helps someone.

Beiträge: 2
Registriert: So 13. Sep 2015, 12:08


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