Cylinder temperature sender Calibration settings

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Cylinder temperature sender Calibration settings

Beitragvon paullanzarotti » Mi 7. Jun 2017, 20:02

Does anyone know what the calibration settings for the stock Mexican 1600i cylinder head temperature sensor should be? (Part: 113 906 161)
Screenshot 2017-06-07 19.21.15.png
Beiträge: 45
Registriert: So 7. Jun 2015, 00:40

Re: Cylinder temperature sender Calibration settings

Beitragvon zumsel » Mi 7. Jun 2017, 21:18


I don't have knowledge about these calibration settings.
But the sensor is a passive element. After replacement the new one should have the same parameters like the old one, if it's the same sparepart.
By the way: Both temperature sensors have the same characteristic curve. E.g. cold engine: both sensors shall have the same resistance.

Greetings Zumsel
Beiträge: 343
Registriert: Mi 26. Mär 2014, 22:02
Wohnort: Niederrhein

Re: Cylinder temperature sender Calibration settings

Beitragvon paullanzarotti » Mi 7. Jun 2017, 22:46

Thank you for the reply however, I am using Megasquirt ECU so there are no "stock" settings.
Beiträge: 45
Registriert: So 7. Jun 2015, 00:40


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